
Sharpen your Mind, let Eyes and Hands to mislead you and play like a Child

Logic game Marble Circuit

25,99€ (Including tax)

Huzzle Cast Nutcase

14,40€ (Including tax)

Huzzle Cast Hourglass

14,40€ (Including tax)

Huzzle Cast Harmony

13,50€ (Including tax)

Huzzle Cast H&H

13,50€ (Including tax)

Huzzle Cast Dial

13,50€ (Including tax)

Great Minds Set of 5

17,00€ (Including tax)

Galileo’s Star Mini Puzzle

5,00€ (Including tax)

Galileo’s Globe Puzzle

9,99€ (Including tax)

Einstein’s Word Puzzle

27,00€ (Including tax)

Einstein’s Number Puzzle

13,00€ (Including tax)

E=mc2 Metal Puzzles the Einstein collection

9,99€ (Including tax)